11.8.15 Redemption Kids

This week we read that Pilate offered Jesus and Barabbas to the crowd and asked them who should be set free. The crowd wanted Barabbas, even though he was a murderer. Jesus didn't do anything and let the crowd take Barabbas, and Jesus was sent to be crucified. We, like Barabbas, are sinners who deserve death, but Jesus died in our place so we could accept him and ask for forgiveness.Our memory verse this week is:

So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd, released for them Barabbas, and having scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified. Mark 15:15

Our craft this week was:Decorate "scratch off" crosses to remember that Jesus died in our place.Our family activity this week is:Remind your children that Jesus took their place on the cross.


The Creepy Goodness of God: An Adoption Story


11.8.15 Sunday Recap