Sunday service - 10:00am
We come together to remember and celebrate who God is, what He has done, and what He has promised.
You can join us in person at 2801 N Izabel St. on the north side of Coconino High School. Look for our black A-frames to guide you. We are currently meeting in person and offer the option to join digitally- Visit our Facebook and YouTube Pages to access our Sunday Livestreams
What Is Service Like?
Our services are typically about 85 minutes and involves:
Singing We’ll praise God and encourage each other with songs.
Scripture Reading We love the Bible, so we’ll stand to read the passage that we’re studying.
Preaching We’ll preach (live preaching) the unchanging truth of Scripture and seek to apply the gospel to the core concerns of our lives.
Communion We’ll celebrate the Lord’s Supper as a reminder of Jesus’ death as a sacrifice for sins.
Giving. We’ll give as a response to God’s grace to extend the church’s ministry to our community and world. Giving boxes are in the back or you can give online.
What Should I Do With My Kids?
Redemption Kids We believe that parents are called to be the primary spiritual leaders of their children; so we strive to support them however we can. Parents are free to bring their children into the worship service or drop them off in Redemption Kids – a safe, fun, bible-centered environment for children on Sunday mornings. We have full kids ministry (6 months – 5th grade) available during our service at 10am.
For Those Worshipping Online
We will be celebrating communion, so please prepare some elements you can use at home. Although bread and wine (or grape juice) have traditionally been used to mark the meal, feel free to substitute whatever you have on hand to celebrate.