Foster, kinship & adopt
Why Foster, Kinship & Adopt?
Children who have lost parents, been abandoned by parents, or been taken out of dangerous environments, are in need of stable homes and loving families. James tells us that caring for vulnerable children such as these is close to the heart of God. Therefore we, the people of God, must lead the way in recognizing this great need and stepping up to meet it.
This issue is very near to us. Arizona, and specifically Coconino County has a massive foster care crisis, with thousands of children in the foster care system. The state simply does not have enough homes to care for them all and they are asking for the church’s help.
How Can I Support Foster, Kinship & Adopt Families?
Support Groups
A group of foster families, people who want to help, singles, couples, people looking to foster, adopt, or families currently going through the adoption process that meets regularly. The purpose of this group is to encourage, strengthen, and enable each other in their ministry to foster children and their biological families.
Active Volunteers
Key leaders that seek to encourage, pray for, and support foster families on a regular basis. These leaders will be working alongside the Redemption Flagstaff Foster, Kinship & Adopt Team as they lead and cast vision for supporting Foster Care & Adoption in Flagstaff.
Tangible Needs
From childcare (the most expressed need), respite caretakers, supplies, prayer, meals, and beyond–these are some of the most practical ways to bless and serve our foster families.
Wrap Around Teams
(coming soon)