Anthony Gee
Lead Pastor
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Anthony is originally from Phoenix but has been living in Flagstaff since 2012 when he and his wife first came up here to help plant Redemption Flagstaff. He’s been married since 2011 and has three kids with his amazing wife Jessica. Formerly a teacher, he has been working in full time ministry since 2015 for the church.
As a pastor his greatest hopes are to help people deepen their relationship with Jesus, as well as deepen the church’s commitment to participate in the mission of God in this world. He loves the Bible and has a deep desire to know it well. He loves leadership development, and cares deeply that the church disciples and raises up the next generation. If you’re new to the church he’d love to grab coffee or lunch sometime.
Email: -
Kyle Krawczyk
Pastor of Communities and Care
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Kyle Krawczyk is the pastor over our small groups ministry (which we call Redemption Communities, or RC’s for short) and care at the church. He’s new to Flagstaff, loves plants, skiing, and is quite the handyman. He’s married to the wonderful Jacqueline. He’d love to get know you more over coffee or lunch, get you connected to a Redemption community, or care for you in a tough situation.
Jonny Campbell
Worship Director
April Krombeem
R/Kids Co-Director (Curriculum)
Dannae Campbell
R/Kids Co-Director (Volunteers)
Kailey Jensen
Director of Community/Global Engagement and Foster Care, Kinship, & Adoption
Taylor Douglass
Sunday Setup/Teardown Coordinator
Anthony Gee
Lead Pastor/Elder
#fhtogglels/read bio/close/ib
Anthony is originally from Phoenix but has been living in Flagstaff since 2012 when he and his wife first came up here to help plant Redemption Flagstaff. He’s been married since 2011 and has three kids with his amazing wife Jessica. Formerly a teacher, he has been working in full time ministry since 2015 for the church.
As a pastor his greatest hopes are to help people deepen their relationship with Jesus, as well as deepen the church’s commitment to participate in the mission of God in this world. He loves the Bible and has a deep desire to know it well. He loves leadership development, and cares deeply that the church disciples and raises up the next generation. If you’re new to the church he’d love to grab coffee or lunch sometime. Shoot him an email if that’s something that interests you.
Kyle Krawczyk
CJ Thompson
Lay Elder