12.10.17 Sunday Liturgy Recap


Welcome to our Sunday Recap. If you missed our service this Sunday or are just looking for another expression of our corporate worship, scroll through this post and click the links for each element. Participate freely and worship a worthy God.


This week's Call to Worship focused on Jesus' humility and kingship. Giving up His place at the right hand of The Father, Jesus enters the world helpless and lowly. He had it all. He gave it up. We have nothing apart from Him, but we can have hope in the form of restored relationship with God because of what Jesus did for us.Celebrate His coming.

Great Are You Lord


I Surrender


Hallelujah Christmas

Greeting Time and Announcements:

Each week we pray for another local church in town because we believe we are not the gospel answer to Flagstaff but that God is using all his Christian churches to redeem the city. This week we prayed for Grace Community Church. The reality of the holiday season is that more people attend church and we pressed into this, petitioning God to bring people unto Himself during Advent.


Anthony Gee | Son of Man | November 19th, 2017

Listen to sermon


Each week we respond to the truth of God’s word in four ways.


On the night that Jesus was arrested He broke bread and drank wine with His disciples symbolizing His body that was broken and the blood that was poured out on the cross. Take some time to remember that Jesus died for the sins of those who would trust in Him.SINGING:O Come, EmmanuelGrace to GraceWhat Child is This?


Need Prayer? Click here to share your request with our prayer team.

Also, during this season of Advent, we will be taking an offering each week during our time of response. This offering is meant to bless and serve communities that our church is partnered with throughout the year.


May we, having been blessed by God and called His people, go and be a blessing to the city of Flagstaff, living as first fruits of the Kingdom of God for His glory. Amen.

REFLECTION QUESTION:How can we be more like Jesus in the way we engage the power and authority afforded us?

What are we holding onto, and how much better could it be to let Jesus take control?


12.17.17 Sunday Liturgy Recap


Proverbs Recap