Advent Offering 2018
It’s November so the great debate has begun: Can you or can you not listen to Christmas music before thanksgiving. I’ll spare you my opinion and instead direct your attention to our annual Advent Offering instead. Economists predict that we will spend over 1 trillion dollars on ‘Christmasy’ things this holiday season in the United States alone. In the midst of that astounding consumption we, the church, celebrate Advent: a season marked not by rampant consumption but rather radical generosity. We see selfless giving at its peak through the arrival of a King, Lord and Savior in the form of a baby. It is this vision for the holiday season that should shape our lives. We will take up our 7th Advent offering this December where every dollar given to this fund will go directly our local and global partners to bless the restorative and redeeming work they do. Here are this year’s partners: 1) - The PEAK SchoolThe PEAK school is located in the Sunnyside neighborhood of Flagstaff. It was created to help kids without a ride to school, have the ability to walk to a school close by. Over 80% of the students that go the Peak School qualify for free and reduced lunch. We are using the advent offering to bless the Peak school by purchasing some much needed educational resources they cannot afford. I encourage you to read a letter from Principal Tracy Braatz about Redemption’s impact at the PEAK school: HERE. 2) - AZ1.27 / Redemption Foster Care & AdoptionWe have been heavily involved in this space over the last few years. Both AZ1.27 and RFCA exist to respond to the gospel that adopts us into God’s family by empowering the local church to do the same for orphans in our state. The advent offering will go towards funding the work of both of these ministries at multiple levels and needs. I encourage you to watch this short video highlighting the amazing work of AZ1.27: HERE. 3) - Immigrant HopeThe stated mission of Immigrant hope is to equip churches to provide immigrants with 3 things: the HOPE of the gospel, HELP finding a pathway to legal residency and a HOME in a church that cares for their needs. Our West Mesa congregation is spearheading the launch of the 8th location in the US and our gift will help with start up and year 1 costs for running this amazing program. Check out this video from Redemption West Mesa: HERE 4) Global partner development: IraqIraq is in the middle of a refugee crisis, and God has brought about a unique opportunity to serve in northern Iraq. Anna and Justin Singleton recently returned from working in several refugee camps to help train local healthcare providers in the fields of lactation and physical therapy. These two fields have been identified as areas of high need by people serving long term in the area. Anna and Justin are hopeful that a long term relationship can be established to better strengthen the work that was started, and Redemption Flagstaff would like to come along and support this work as it unfolds. Take a moment to read up on the crisis HERE. 5) Global partner development: Navajo nationGod has long called us to engage our Navajo neighbors with the gospel. We have remained patient over the last 6 years to attempt to do things the ‘right’ way. Till now, our engagement has primarily been marked by listening, learning and supporting local partners doing good work. God has brought an exciting potential mission partner to our doorstep at Redemption Flag and we are excited to take next steps towards a long-term vision of gospel engagement in Kayenta. Advent funds will help to establish and build out this incredible opportunity. If you are not able to join us in December or prefer to give online, you can give HERE: Go to “Give Online”, and select “Advent Offering” in the drop-down menu when prompted. In Partnership for the sake of the Gospel, Vince