Redemption Kids: 2.14.16

This Week's Lesson: This week we learned about Samson. Samson was chosen by God to deliver his people. As a result, God gave him extraordinary power through the act of never cutting his hair. However, despite God's instructions, Samson made a lot of bad choices and lost his strength as a result. When Samson was at the end of his life, he finally cried out to God. God restored his strength one last time so that he could defeat the Philistines. We learned through Samson that God can use people even though they make foolish choices. This means he can use us too.

Our memory verse this week is: Judges 13:5 "For behold, you shall conceive and bear a son. No razor shall come upon his head, for the child shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb, and he shall begin to save Israel from the hand of the Philistines."Our Prayer this week: God, You are the strongest and most powerful. Forgive us for making foolish choices. Thank You for loving us and for making us apart of Your plan even though we mess up. Help us to trust that You can use us.Family Activity: Look up a Nazarite and find out what things they were required to abstain from.-via Haylee Fox


02.14.16 Sunday Liturgy Recap

