Redemption Kids- 3.27.16
This Week's Lesson: This week we celebrated Resurrection Sunday. Easter is a time for us to remember that God loved us so much, that He gave his son to die on the cross for our sins. Three days later, he rose again! He defeated death, sin, and Satan to bring us new life. Jesus is alive and it is wonderful news for us!Our Memory Verse: John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."Our Prayer: Jesus, You rose from the dead- defeating Satan, sin, and death. You are our Savior and our King. Forgive us for when we hold on to our guilt from sin even though you have paid a great price to defeat it. Thank you, God, for loving us so much that You sent your one and only son. Help us to trust in Jesus and believe in this truth.Family Activity: Put up the printout of John 3:16 in a visible spot in your home. Spend the week memorizing the verse as a family and come up with a family reward for when you all have it memorized.