The Beloved Community Mission Statement, Vision Statement, and Values

  • The mission of the Beloved Community is to embody the life and love of God by fostering a family of churches dedicated to scriptures, worship, unity, and missionary witness in the world. Grounded in the person of Jesus, we strive to nurture discipleship, pursue justice, and extend radical hospitality to all, particularly to the weakest amongst us. We prioritize and celebrate diversity as a reflection of God's kingdom, seeking to live out the values of love, prayer, and corporate worship in our collective witness of Jesus together.

  • Our vision is to see the Beloved Community flourish as a vibrant expression of God's kingdom on earth, where individuals and families from all walks of life find belonging, healing, and purpose. We envision a community where the rich tapestry of gifts and talents within each church contributes to the collective mission of making disciples and serving society. Through shared leadership, mutual care, and a commitment to Chist and his church, we aim to embody the reconciling work of Christ, extending hope and renewal to our neighborhoods and beyond.

  • 1. Love and Worship of God: Our core value is to love and worship the God revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe worship isn't confined to Sundays but extends to every aspect of our lives, glorifying God in all we do.

    2. Love as Central: Love is at the heart of our community. Just as God calls us His beloved, we seek to love one another and the world, reflecting the boundless love we've received from God.

    The “cross-shaped” life is anchored in two intertwined realities, both stemming from one profound truth. We refuse to compartmentalize the love of God and the love of others; instead, we embrace the tension between them, illuminated by the revelation of the cross and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

    3. Unwavering Devotion to Scripture, Prayer, and Worship: We cherish the Bible as God's authoritative word and hold prayer and worship as essential commitments that center our relationship with God.

    4. Jesus-Centered Living: We center our lives on the Person of Jesus, proclaiming the Gospel with our words and living it out through our actions, embodying the transformative power of Christ's life, death, and resurrection.

    5. Commitment to Discipleship: Following Jesus's example and mandate, we are committed to making disciples, teaching and equipping all followers of Jesus to live out God’s word through obedience in all areas of life.

    6. Intentional Unity exemplified in Family: We embrace the biblical reality of the church as family, striving to live the one anothers of scripture in harmony, forgiveness, and mutual support, embodying the interconnectedness of the body of Christ.

    7. Global and Local Church Unity: We affirm our unity with the universal church, partnering with other believers locally and globally, honoring God’s work and ministry through prayer, relationships, and resource-sharing.

    8. Gender Equality and Full Image-Bearing: We value the full participation of men and women in ministry, recognizing both genders as equal bearers of God's image, called to serve and lead together as family and missionaries.

    9. Multi-Ethnicity/Cultural and Diversity: We celebrate diversity as a reflection of God's Kingdom established in his new covenant, striving to align and live into the new covenant of grace we will prioritize to be a multi-ethnic community that bears witness to God's reconciling work.

    10. Celebrating Spiritual Gifts: We recognize and celebrate the diverse gifts of the Holy Spirit within the body of Christ, serving one another with humility and gentleness. We will recognize and ordain all the ministry gifts established in God’s word.

    11. Justice and Peacemaking: Justice and Peacemaking is integral to our Christian witness; we actively pursue justice as an expression of love toward our neighbors, particularly the marginalized and oppressed. We will stand in the tensions of culture being peacemakers as far as it depends on us.

    12. Radical Hospitality: Inspired by Christ's example, we extend radical hospitality to all, welcoming strangers and offering them a place of belonging and grace.

    13. Understanding and Honoring Context: We value understanding and honoring the unique ministry contexts of each local community, seeking to learn from one another, respect differences, and grow together in love and unity.