the beatitudes

Blessed are the persecuted | Week 8 of The Beatitudes | Matthew 5:10-12

August 4th / Aaron Dailey

Sermon Audio

Blessed are the peacemakers | Week 7 of The Beatitudes | Matthew 5:9

July 28th / Jon Hori

Sermon Audio

Blessed are the pure in heart | Week 6 of The Beatitudes | Matthew 5:8

July 21st / Kyle Krawczyk

Sermon Audio

Blessed are the merciful | Week 5 of The Beatitudes | Matthew 5:7

July 14th / Aaron Dailey

Sermon Audio

Cravings for Righteousness | Week 4 of The Beatitudes | Matthew 5:6

July 7th / Aaron Dailey

Sermon Audio

Blessed are the meek | Week 3 of The Beatitudes | Matthew 5:5

June 30th / Rand Habegger

Sermon Audio

Comfort for the Mourning | Week 2 of The Beatitudes | Matthew 5:4

June 23rd / Dave Reynolds

Sermon Audio

THe Beatitudes | An Introduction to Jesus’ first sermon

June 20th / Kyle Krawczyk

Sermon Audio




1st Corinthians 13