08.26.18 Sunday Liturgy Recap
Welcome to our Sunday Recap. If you missed our service this Sunday or are just looking for another expression of our corporate worship, scroll through this post and click the links for each element. Participate freely and worship a worthy God.
"The gift of language combined with the gift of song was given to man that he should proclaim the Word of God through music" - Martin LutherSONG OF ADORATIONGod UndefeatableCONFESSIONSins are StonesASSURANCE OF GRACEYour GloryGreeting Time and Announcements:Each week we pray for another local church in town because we believe we are not the gospel answer to Flagstaff but that God is using all his Christian churches to redeem the city.This week we prayed for the Hilltop Redemption Community. They meet on campus at NAU and are excited to be launching an RC focused on college students.
Be Filled with the Spirit
Vince Garvey / August 26th, 2018Listen to sermon
Each week we respond to the truth of God’s word in four ways.
On the night that Jesus was arrested He broke bread and drank wine with His disciples symbolizing His body that was broken and the blood that was poured out on the cross. Take some time to remember that Jesus died for the sins of those who would trust in Him.
Jesus Paid it AllKingdom and a KingBuild Your Kingdom Here
Need Prayer? Click here to share your request with our prayer team.
May we, having been blessed by God and called His people, go and be a blessing to the city of Flagstaff, living as first fruits of the Kingdom of God for His glory. Amen.
Spend some time intentionally singing praise to God, thanking God, and humbly serving others around you this week.