Prayer for a new space

A couple weeks ago Pastor Anthony communicated and asked that you would join us in prayer as we seek out a potential new space and location for Redemption Flagstaff. I wanted to reiterate that desire and help navigate the reasons that we should indeed be fervent in asking God to provide for our community in this way. I’ve been reading that we learn better in bullets for some reason or another so here you go, pray for us in these ways:

  • The Orpheum has been an incredible gift to us for over two years and we are tremendously grateful to God and the ownership for allowing us this space to see God move so please include in your prayers, thanksgiving and celebration for this reality.
  • With a new space we would hope to find significantly more room for our always expanding ministry of Redemption Kids and Youth. Pray for these ministries and space that would meet and exceed our need for expansion and excellence.
  • We speak of it often but we are a church community that wants to be a blessing to the city and few things frustrate me more than empty church building Monday through Saturday. We are hoping for a new space that would allow for us to be a tangible blessing to those inside and outside our community through events, partnership and mid-week engagement.
  • Tied in with the previous one, we believe we should remain close to the city center, allowing easy and close access from multiple parts of the city, NAU and those just passing through.
  • God is our provider always and we are his stewards. We will not overextend ourselves financially or put ourselves in a position that would harm the ministry we are doing or the long-term sustainability of our congregation. Pray whatever opens up fits this criteria.
  • Lastly, we just want God to be glorified, for His kingdom to expand here in Flagstaff and for us to continually fulfill our mission to Disciple the Church to Reach the Unchurhed.

Thank you for joining us in prayer, we are thankful for you love, friendship and pursuit of redemption in our city.


Sunday Liturgy Recap 11.20.16


11.13.16 Sunday Liturgy Recap